可能你不知道那是什么, 以下是wikipedia的解释:
Cincalok (or Chinchalok/Cencaluk) is a Melakan food made of fermented small shrimps or krill. It is usually served as a condiment together with chillis, shallots and lime juice. It is similar to Bagoong Alamang in the Philippines. In Melaka, the shrimp is called udang geragau. The shrimp in the pinkish coloured cincalok are readily identifiable and the taste is salty. This shrimp is available in particular season in Pantai Klebang, Limbongan, Tanjung Kling and several coastal areas.
老公买的这罐cincalok也有一个月了, 今天就来开张咯!
花枝(墨鱼) 1只
姜 少许 切片
大蒜 2颗 切末
cincalok 1小匙
青葱 切小段
1. 花枝肉内侧用刀斜切成花, 然后切小块.
2. 热油锅, 下姜片和蒜末去炒至香.
3. 加入cincalok 1小匙, 再加入一些水.
4. 加入少许的白糖, 拌炒到酱汁沸腾.
5. 加入花枝略炒至熟透, 撒些葱花既可.
注: cincalok有点咸, 所以放1小匙就可以了.
13 years ago
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